Click on choosen type of species to check the issues and how to prevent them.
An appropriate supplementation program at the beginning of the chick’s life ensures a shorter fattening period and high economic profit. Therefore, it is important to administer appropriate doses of vitamins and supplements, especially sodium butyrate.
This supports the intensive growth of the birds beginning immediately after administering. It also improves the development of intestinal villi, increases intestinal absorption surface, enhances digestion and the functions of the liver. Broiler producers often complain of differences in poultry growth rates in their flocks. The reason for this, among others, is the lack of rapid resorption of the yolk sac during the first days of fattening. This is associated with negligence in the initial stages of the birds’ life, resulting in a prolonged fattening period and causing economic loses.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
facilitation of proper development of the gastrointestinal tract
support for yolk sac resorption
regulation of liver functions
electrolyte supplementation
limited diarrhoea and indigestion incidence
improved feed intake and digestibility
The rapid growth of birds accompanied by low feed and water intake along with a high utilisation rate are key factors in the large-scale breeding of poultry.
Regulations of the European Union have introduced certain limitations for breeders. A ban on the use of all types of chemotherapeutics contrary to their intended use wasone of them. Feed monitoring and more thorough post-slaughter inspections have forced feed producers to change their attitude towards animal feeding.
Wishing to follow the new trends in consumer demands, breeders are more likely to use complementary feeds that not only accelerate growth but also complement so-called organic or sustainable food chains.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
stimulation of muscular development
increased feed intake, utilisation and nutrient absorption
increased water utilisation
enhanced appetite
weight loss compensation
increased growth rate
improved meat quality
Breeders of laying hens often face the problem of thin eggshells. This results in an increased number of cracked eggs during handling and transportation. Such an abnormality can be caused not only by decreased calcium content in the feed, but also by reduced calcium absorption in the digestive tract. This disfunction is mainly causedby vitamin D3 deficiency and is often accompanied by impaired vitamin metabolism.
The problem of thin eggshells is usually managed by additional calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation. However, even supplementation with high Ca and vitamin doses does not solve the problem of thin eggshells completely. The key is a proper Ca:P ratio (2:1) in complementary feeds. The appropriate complementary feed provides not only calcium and vitamin D3, but also phosphorus, which is more significant than total calcium dose.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
increased resistance of eggshells to mechanical damage
improved eggshell quality
enhanced bone mineralisation
extended productivity of laying hens
vitamin D3 and manganese supplementation
mitigation of muscle contracture and joint pain
restoration of proper calcium and phosphorus ratio
The success of breeding flock owners depends on appropriate fertility levels.
The correct development of the reproductive system is correlated, among others, with vitamin E and selenium levels in the bird’s body and the proper supplementation of these nutrients.
The maintenance of poultry for reproduction and intensive breeding of laying hens is also impossible without appropriate biotin, zinc, and exogenous amino acid supplementation.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
immune system stimulation
beneficial effects on fertility and hatching
reduction of the amount of nitrogen excreted into the environment
reduction of the risk of ovarian cysts development
proper plumage maintenance
mitigation of skin inflammation
prevention of feather pecking
support of proper development of feathers, digits, and claws
supplementation of biotin and zinc deficiencies
stimulation of laying performance and hatching
Modern poultry breeders may face the problem of poor growth after a switch to a grower or finisher feed.
One of the main reasons for this is the high content of energy and protein substrates in the feed. Regulatory support for hepatic and pancreatic function is necessary to improve the birds’ performance. Due to their detoxifying, metabolic, filtrating, storage and digestive functions, these organs are primarily responsible for the proper outcome of the breeding process. Intensive feeding, breeding or antibiotic therapy may impair these organs and lead to hepatic degeneration. In many cases, the result is a reduced duration of the animal’s life.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
• SUPLEXAN® HEPA effectively protects and supports the functions of the liver and pancreas. A high content of turmeric extract improves the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, as well as the absorption of proteins. SUPLEXAN® HEPA stimulates bile secretion, which results in increased appetite and feed utilisation.
regulation of liver and pancreas functions
support of the liver during feeding with high-energy feed
support for fatty liver syndrome treatment
mitigation of the effects of intoxication and antibiotic treatment
liver protection during high productivity periods
In periods when feeds with high protein content are used, increased urinary calcium excretion occurs. This may result in the development of gout and kidney stones.
Furthermore, antibiotic treatments lead to the accumulation of toxins in the organism. In the case of impaired renal function, this may result in a prolonged inhibition of animal performance. To prevent gout, kidney stones and to regulate urine calcium management and detoxification, appropriate feed supplementation is necessary.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
prevention of gout
supplementation during kidney stone treatment
regulation of renal and hepatic functions
supplementation in urogenital diseases
limitation of adverse effects of antibiotic treatments
prevention of heat stress
prevention of dyspepsia
Coccidiosis is one of the most serious poultry diseases worldwide.
For many years, the problem of coccidiosis has been solved by the use of chemoprophylaxis.
Due to the increasing resistance of these parasites to existing solutions, it is reasonable to use plantextract-based products with proven anti-coccidial effect as a preventative measure. KOKCIDIN® is a composition of carefully selected natural plant extracts demonstrating prophylactic anti-coccidial activity.
The composition of KOKCIDIN® was developed and analysed by a team of experts in poultry nutrition. Its formulation demonstrates bacteriostatic and immunostimulatory activity. It may also be implemented as a solution to the problem of increased protozoal resistance to standard pharmaceuticals and consumer expectations regarding the quality of poultry meat and eggs. The positive effect of KOKCIDIN® is not only due to its direct effects on the parasites,but also results from the complex, broad activity of the compounds it contains. Among others effects, the stabilisation of bacterial flora (bacteriostatic activity), the stimulation of intestinal villi regeneration, the alleviation of intestinal inflammation, and the activation of immune processes have been confirmed.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
requires no withdrawal period, may be used throughout the entire breeding period
no reports of coccidia resistance to active ingredients contained in the plant extracts
exhibits bacteriostatic and immunostimulatory effect
rich source of antioxidants
increased feed intake and growth
increased secretion of bile
increased enzymatic activity of intestinal mucosa
liquid form enables quick incorporation into feed
Probiotics are products containing microorganisms which have a beneficial effect on animal breeding.
When introduced to the diet, they support immunity, regulate intestinal microbial flora and, first and foremost, demonstrate antagonistic properties towards pathogenic microbes.
Clinical studies have been conducted for several years to examine the effectiveness of individual probiotic products. The results shown by such products are similar to those obtained via antibiotic therapy. Moreover, there are no side effects with these products and the probability of overdosing is very low.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
improved intenstinal microbiota composition
stimulation of natural immunity
better absorption of fodder and improvement of FCR factor
limited development of pathogenic bacteria
faster recovery after antibiotic therapy
reduced incidence of diarrhoea
The basic broiler feeding program is divided into three main periods, in which three different types of feed are used: starter, grower and finisher.
The beginning of every feeding phase is the time when the birds switch from one type of feed to another and are often vaccinated. This may cause a temporary decrease in food uptake and birds may be more susceptible to stress factors, which may result in lowered weight gain. To prevent the adverse effects of this feed switch and environmental stress factors like heat or dust, it is advised to supplement the birds’ diet with appropriate reinforcing feed additives.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
positively affects functioning of reproductive, digestive, cardiovascular (clotting) muscular (prevents muscular dystrophy muscle and cachexy) and skeletal systems
prevents vitamin deficiency in embryos and chicks
stimulates immune function and enhances immunity
reduces level of deaths of young animals
improves production parameters
prevents nyctalopia pterophagia, cannibalism
ameliorates the effects of food poisoning
Stress, vaccinations and nutrient deficiency – all these factors severely weaken poultry and contribute to lowered breeding parameters and decrease final income. Vaccinations are absolutely essential in modern broiler breeding.
Nevertheless, temporary adverse effects of vaccination can be manifested as asthenia and temporarily higher susceptibility to disease. This may be reflected in a reduced final breeding effectiveness. Additionally, all feeding changes and transportation involve stress which may lead to negative long-term breeding consequences if not managed at an early stage. Stress management is difficult and often unsuccessful, thus immunostimulation and immunoprophylaxis are of high importance. Early prophylaxis to enhance non-specific immunity is more effective and less costly than medical treatment when diseases appear.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
immune system support
reduced gastrointestinal and respiratory infections
recovery support
sources of antioxidants
improved feed intake and enhanced weight gain
reduced number of falls among young chicks
Vaccinations and antibiotic treatments may cause temporarily severe effects in animals.
When necessary, they are used to prevent the occurrence of diseases or to cure sick birds. However, there are also disadvantages associated with their use.
All drug residues and metabolites are to a greater of lesser degree toxic. These residues and metabolites can be found in the liver, kidneys, and muscles. To achieve satisfactory results in breeding, birds should be supplemented with feed additives enhancing the elimination of toxic substances and the restoration of homeostasis. Increased diuresis and supplementation with vitamins allow a higher feed intake to be achieved and shorten the fattening period.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
• SUPLEXAN® B Complex
regulation of renal and hepatic functions
supplementation during urogenital system diseases
limited negative effects of antibiotic treatment
support of the organism during periods of heat
improved health and productivity of animals
mitigation of gastrointestinal and nervous system disorders
reduced stress effects
increased energy-yielding and hepatic steatosis prevention
renewal of protein structures at the cellular level
Preventing stress factors is difficult, but not impossible. Immediate and decisive action must be taken. Every hour may be crucial and the sooner we eliminate the cause, the sooner homeostasis will be restored.
Diarrhoea can lead to quick dehydration and key micronutrient and macronutrient depletion. In such situations, electrolytes, vitamins, and micronutrients should be supplemented.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
restoration of electrolyte balance in hot weather
improvement of immunity
support during antibiotic therapy and recovery
improvement of iron assimilation and blood coagulation
increase in pathogen resistance
mitigation of oxidative stress
Respiratory system condition correlates with many factors acting in the breeding environment and is one of the most important factors influencing the birds’ health.
Excess dust, increased temperature, or improper ventilation in the breeding facility significantly affect the well-being of the animals, and consequently their breeding parameters. In the case of poor ventilation or poultry “coughing”, immediate emergency action should be taken.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
improved breathing, clear airways
enhanced immunity to a dusty environment
calming effects
reduced number of falls
reduced effects of stress
increased feed utilisation and daily weight gains
High temperature and heat stress are just a few of the multiple challenges faced during the hot season. Thus, to prevent problems rather than to cure them, we developed a series of complementary feeds for breeders to help deal with heat waves. These are an excellent supporting element of prophylaxis and an ideal solution for heat-related problems.
Complementary administration of electrolytes and carnitine has a crucial influence on water transportation in the body. These support water balance, intestinal functions, and also regulate energy metabolism. They also stimulate the animals and reduce the negative effects of heat stress.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
increased feed intake and daily weight gain
increased water consumption
regulation of energy metabolism
increased secretion of digestive enzyme
limited effects of stress caused by heat and handling
improved gastrointestinal motility
calming effects
In poultry breeding programs, it is necessary to provide the proper amount of nutrients in a balanced ratio.
Very often when stress, excessive stocking density or deficiencies of some nutrients occur, birds pluck their feathers. Moreover, the bird’s digits, feathers and skin are extremely sensitive to zinc and biotin deficiencies. Thus, to achieve satisfactory poultry breeding results, it is necessary to provide easily absorbable compounds.
Biotin has an essential impact on the development of full and healthy feathers with high elasticity, while zinc positively influences the strengthening of digits and ensures the high quality of the birds’ feet. Healthy feathers, digits as well as appropriate preparation for moulting are essential for poultry welfare and higher carcass quality. Dietary supplementation with the abovementioned ingredients also plays a supporting role in the treatment of skin inflammations. Skin damage results primarily in local alopecia, which consequently leads to deterioration of living conditions and a decline in productivity. The quick implementation of treatment strategies may save flocks from problems related to low hatchability or low egg laying levels.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
promotion of proper plumage in birds
mitigation of skin inflammation
prevention of feather peckin
support for proper development of feathers, digits, and claws
enhancement of egg laying, fertility, and hatchability
supplementation in cases of biotin and zinc deficiencies
Acidification of feed is practiced to maintain proper stomach and gut acidity (pH regulation). This prevents the development of microbial pathogens, with the protective effect being strongest when the pH range is between 6.0 and 7.5, and weakest when pH is between 4.0 and 5.5.
Acidifiers in animal feeds provide a protective barrier against pathogens, strengthen the immune system, and promote favourable conditions for digestion and absorption of feed components. They lower the amount of toxic ammonia and biogenic amines in the small intestine, improving protein, mineral and lipid absorption.
INTERMAG suggests the use of:
limited development of pathogenic bacteria (colibacillosis, salmonellosis)
lowered pH of gastrointestinal tract
improved feed digestibility
activation of digestive enzymes
improvement in productivity
maintenance of normal bacterial flora