Intestinal microflora stabilizer, based on Bacillus subtlis bacteria, enriched with oregano extract.
• Better rearing efficiency ratio
• Faster growth of young birds
• Improving the quality of carcasses
INGREDIENTS: Bacillus subtilis DSM 17299 (4b1821) ≥ 1 x 109 CFU/g, oregano oil
Intended for all species and production groups of poultry.
SPEED-BIOTIC Dry – is a modern probiotic mixture, based on the sporulating Bacillus subtilis strain and oregano extract. In intensive livestock production, one of the most important factors determining fattening success is the proper function of the digestive system. Proper intestinal microbiota not only increase weight gain and improve absorption of feed, but also reduce the occurrence of digestive disorders.
Administration of SPEED-BIOTIC Dry in poultry generates biofilm formation on the intestinal mucosa, which in turn prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. The Bacillus subtilis strain contained in the product breeds rapidly in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the effect of competitive exclusion. Farm tests proved that during feeding with energy-rich fodder, Bacillus subtilis has a high impact on the birds’ body weight gain. It also increases low-quality feed digestion efficiency and utilisation, and slows down dramatic FCR factor increase.
SPEED-BIOTIC Dry stimulates production of various enzymes and chemical compounds, such as butyrates, which are utilized by intestinal cells as a source of energy and contribute to small intestine development. As a result, the surface of the digestive system increases, making absorption of nutrients more efficient. In addition, SPEED-BIOTIC Dry improves the digestibility of fibre and reduces excretion of nitrogen. This feature improves the quality of mulch, diminishes moisture, and reduces the amount of ammonia excretion.
Thanks to the presence of carvacrol and thymol from the oregano oil contained in the product, feed intake and nutrient absorption are increased, while toxic metals metabolic residues are bound and deactivated.
SPEED-BIOTIC Dry can be used in feeding programs with commercially available coccidiostats and acidifiers.
USE: with feed: 50 g – 200 g for 1000 kg of complete feed