KOKCIDIN® / KOKCIDIN® DRY – is a unique composition of selected natural plant extracts for the prevention of coccidiosis.
KOKCIDIN®/KOKCIDIN® DRY also has bacteriostatic and immunostimulant properties. The composition of the product was developed and tested by a team of experts on feeding poultry.
KOKCIDIN®/KOKCIDIN® DRY is an answer to the problem of the increasing resistance of protozoa to pharmaceutical coccidiostats and to consumer’s expectations in terms of the quality of poultry meat and eggs.
PROPERTIES KOKCIDIN® / KOKCIDIN® DRY – provides effective protection against broiler diseases subject to moderate exposure to coccidia, and alleviates the course of disease after a severe invasion of protozoa. The positive influence of phytogenic ingredients on the quality of meat and eggs is an additional advantage.
KOKCIDIN® is an effective solution in the prevention of coccidiosis for farms with a moderate degree of coccidiosis infection and a perfect addition to treatment with chemotherapeutics for farms with high contamination with oocysts in the hen-coop. The influence of the type of coccidiosis prevention on the oocyst excretion in broiler chickens stool and urine* (thousand in 1g of stool and urine).
As a result of the development of coccidiosis, digestive dysfunction and reduced intake of nutrients occur. Increased death rate and reduced weight gain significantly influence the reduction of economic profitability of poultry farming. KOKCIDIN® helps to achieve higher growth and better feed utilisation, thereby significantly improves the efficiency ratio of breeding. The influence of the type of coccidiosis prevention on the efficiency ratio of broiler chickens breeding*